Monday, March 30, 2009


Hey what happen to my blog? To all my followers and readers I apologized for the long delay or not blogging anymore and having updates. It's just I was on a long journey of finding myself and making it work somehow but instead I seem to lost focus along the way. I find each day that passed that my hope is slowly dying, that somehow I lost interest on so many things. The one thing that keeps me alive and burning is my blog but even that can't get me motivated. I no longer wish to write nor can I keep up with just maintaining a blog. Well life was hard that time so I decided to come home for awhile and to get back the things that I've lost and forgotten throughout my journey. I won't say it was a waste of time, money and effort because the lessons I've had are way too priceless. Though life has its up and down in there but the friends I've meet are the one I'll treasure the most. I won't say I will not go back, but all I do know I have some business to take care of here and only if I finish that business will I ever conclude my definite plans. But I am not regretting my decision for the moment, though there are bit minor adjustment since the thing that was on the foremost in my mind got finally answer. So here I am again back with a vengeance and watch our for more blogs from me soon...hehehe